Look, behind the green curtain!

Hi there!

I'm a bit of a jokester, and began this project as my Halloween persona's fake company parody, but then I decided to give it some real TLC and turn it into something useful. (Something like The "Craft Master B" Show- but not really) Sadly, I don't have much of a green thumb (yet!) but I'm working on that! 

In the mean time, I'll do what I can to promote important issues (sustainability, fair trade, the "Triple R's", good food, social justice, peace, education, and healthy living), while enjoying my two "must-haves": Puerto Rican coffee, and chocolate

As for our home, a.k.a. Planet Earth: Please enjoy responsibly!  ;)



OrganiCo. is a proud supporter of

*Learn more about fair trade and the organic products mentioned above:

Organic chocolate isn't just good for the Earth and worker health, it's also downright delicious!

Fair Trade in Agriculture

How Fair Trade Will Leave A Good Taste In Your Mouth! (yes, that's what she said.)

The Cup o' Joe A Day That Makes Unfairness Go Away!